The First Coordination Meeting for IAEA technical cooperation project RAS1031 was successfully held
This Meeting is host by International Atomic Energy Agency(IAEA). Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics (SINAP), Chinese Academy of Sciences and China Isotope & Radiation Association are the local organizers. The purpose of this meeting is to report and analyse the situation in the participating Member States on the development and application of radiation modification for reutilizing and recycling of polymeric waste, review the project work plan, and agree on follow up actions and activities to be implemented.
The Programme Officers from IAEA report the current application and future development trends of radiation technology, NUTEC Plastic Initiative and its progress in the Asia and Pacific region and the support for the application of radiation technology in plastic recycling technology from IAEA.
Experts from China, Indonesia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Philippines and Viet Nam share the latest progress in using radiation technology to modify and recover polymer waste, and transforming it into high-value industrial products.
This meeting will promote the radiation technology to be a more important role in the reutilizing and recycling of polymeric waste.