The small angle X-ray scattering beamline (SAXS) is one of the seven initial beamlines at SSRF. Installation of the beamline was completed in 14 days from April 24 to May 7, followed by two more days of systematic examinations and checks to all the components.
Commissioning of the SAXS beamline on BL16B1 began at 19:00 May 9. The X-ray beam passed through the front end immediately. About 60 hours later on May 12 in the morning, a focused beam, propagating along a double-crystal monochromator and a focusing mirror, was observed at the endstation, denoting the successful start of SSRF beamline commissioning.
A series of experiments including the K-edge absorption of copper foil, X-ray fluorescence and SAXS for a standard sample, have been carried out. An X-ray phase-contrast image to a small fish has also been achieved.
We can expect that this beamline will be open to users soon.
An FWHM of 2 mm in a good Gaussian profile at the beamline exit.
K-edge absorption spectrum of copper.
RF spectrum of a 6-μm cobalt foil.
SAXS pattern of silver-behenate by an X-ray CCD detector.
X-ray phase-contrast imaging to a small fish with a 4mm(h)×20mm(w) beam.