According to the Journal Citation Reports of Thomson Reuters published on June 13th, 2016, the new Impact Factor (IF) of Nuclear Science and Technology (NST) in 2015 has reached 0.641, an increase of 60 percent compared with that of 2014, outperforming Nuclear Technology which is sponsored by American Nuclear Society. Among the 32 JCR journals in the field of Nuclear Science and Technology, the IF of NST ranks at 24 (Q3), with Immediacy Index up to 0.159, ranking at 22, both at record high!
As the unique English journal in the category of atomic energy science and technology in China, NST is a peer-reviewed journal established in 1990, sponsored by the Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Nuclear Society, indexed by SCI-E, Chemistry Abstract (CA), Google Scholar, INSPEC etc. NST aims to report scientific findings, technical advances and important results in the field of nuclear research, stimulate cross-fertilization of knowledge among scientists and engineers working in these fields, publish high-quality, innovative results of broad interests in both basic and applied research of nuclear science and technology.
In the past four years, NST has been making great efforts in upgrading the manuscript submission and peer review system, production and publication system, and in strengthening domestic collaboration with academic conference sponsors and international cooperation with worldwide prestigious publishing groups, such as Elsevier, Springer, Institute of Physics Publishing (IOPP), Oxford University Press (OUP), Cambridge University Press (CUP), etc. Its international impact has been increasing since 2013. More than 28% overseas members joined the new editorial board in January 2014, and some attended the second editorial board plenary meeting in December 2015.
With the dedicated support of the editorial board, the manuscript quality and the publication quality are getting constantly improved. NST won the excellence award of publishing quality of Science Press 2015 and passed the quality check taken by the Shanghai Press and Publication Bureau with less than 0.026% error rate. A co-publish contract was signed between NST sponsors and Springer in December 2015, as of issue 1, 2016, NST is co-published by Springer with OnlineFirst and Continuous Article Publishing (CAP) mode, and circulated by SpringerLink eContent platform to attract over 50 million users at more than 15,000 institutions worldwide. Currently, manuscript submissions to NST are more than trebled and published papers on NST are more than doubled. Monthly publication is highly demanded by many authors and readers. Therefore, NST is applying to become a monthly journal in 2017.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all members of the editorial board, authors and contributors, as well as reviewers and readers for their great contribution to the journal during the past years. Together, we can make an even more glorious future of NST!