The effect of martensite on stress corrosion crack initiation of austenitic stainless steels in high-temperature hydrogenated water
AUTHORS: Chang, LT; Burke, MG; Mukahiwa, K; Duff, J; Wang, YL; Scenini, F
Cold-worked Type 304L/316L stainless steel specimens, which contained different amounts of martensite (alpha '/epsilon), were tested in high-temperature hydrogenated water under slow strain rate tensile (SSRT) test conditions to understand the role of martensite on stress corrosion crack (SCC) initiation. These specimens were characterized prior to and after SSRT tests using complementary analytical techniques. It was observed that a higher strain was necessary to induce SCC initiation for cold-rolled 304L that contained martensite compared to the other coldworked stainless steels that did not contain martensite. The mechanisms responsible for different SCC initiation susceptibilities of the steels were discussed based on the experimental observations.