Study on higher moments of net-charge multiplicity distributions using a multiphase transport model *
AUTHORS: Huang, L; Ma, GL
The moments and moment products of conserved charges are believed to be sensitive to critical fluctuations, which have been adopted in determining the QCD critical point. Using a dynamical multiphase transport model, we reproduce the centrality and energy dependences of moments and moment products of net-charge multiplicity distributions in Au+Au collisions, measured by the Beam Energy Scan program at the RHIC. No non-monotonic energy dependence is observed. We infer that the moment products develop during the dynamical evolution of heavy-ion collisions. The observed difference based on the expectation of the Poisson baseline indicates a positive two-particle correlation between positively and negatively charged particles, which can arise from different dynamical processes at different stages. Therefore, to adopt moments and moment products of net-charge multiplicity distributions in determining the QCD critical point of relativistic heavy-ion collisions, it is essential to consider the dynamical evolution.