Virtual depth-scan multi-slice ptychography for improved three-dimensional imaging
AUTHORS: Xing, ZJ; Xu, ZJ; Zhang, XZ; Chen, B; Guo, Z; Wang, J; Wang, Y; Tai, RZ
Multi-slice ptychography (MSP) is a fast three-dimensional ptychography technology developed on the basis of conventional ptychography. With this method, three-dimensional imaging can be achieved without rotating the sample. The prototype multi-slice algorithm can only reconstruct three-dimensional samples with a limited number of slices, which greatly limits the depth range and resolution of sample imaging. Here we reported a virtual depth-scan scheme of MSP in which a thick sample is scanned virtually in the depth direction across its whole thickness range within the reconstruction process, thereby eliminating the restriction on slice number and potentially improving the depth resolution of MSP. This new approach also improves the flexibility of multi-slice ptychography. Both the simulation and experimental results validate the feasibility of our new approach. (C) 2021 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement.