Dipole excitation of Li-6 and Be-9 studied with an extended quantum molecular dynamics model
AUTHORS: Huang, BS; Ma, YG
The a (He-4)-clustering structure is a common phenomenon in light nuclei due to the decreasing contribution of the mean field in few-body systems. In this work, we presented calculations of giant dipole resonance (GDR) excitations for two non-alpha-conjugate light nuclei, namely Li-6 and Be-9, within a framework of an extended quantum molecular dynamics model. For Li-6, we investigated the GDR spectra from the two-body clustering structure with alpha + deuteron as well as the body structure with alpha + n + p, and found that the major alpha-clustering contribution on the GDR peak is located at around 31 MeV, while the resonance contributions between clusters, namely alpha and deuteron or (n + p), are located on the lower energy side, which can be regarded as the pygmy dipole resonance (PDR). For Be-9, a mixture configuration contribution for the chain-like structure and Borromean-like structure of the alpha + n + alpha configuration can explain its GDR results.