Inconel 617 corrosion in FLiNaK molten salts: An in situ X-ray diffraction study
AUTHORS: Lei, Q; Zhang, XM; Gao, M; Wen, W; Jia, YY; Liu, HJ; Li, YH; Liu, JZ; Zhou, XT
An in situ XRD apparatus is developed to study facilely the corrosion of Inconel 617 in FLiNaK molten salts under three different experimental conditions. Inconel 617 undergoes disorder/order phase transition during temperature increase/decrease process and FLiNaK molten salts addition interrupts this transition, and makes the alloy vulnerable to be corroded. FLiNaK dehydration, FLiNaK melting, Inconel 617 corrosion and FLiNaK solidification processes are clearly observed during in-situ corrosion studies. During extended fluoride molten salts corrosion, Cr, Mo, and Co are separated out from alloy lattice consequently.