Design, fabrication, and cold test of an S-band high-gradient accelerating structure for compact proton therapy facility
AUTHORS: Zhang, Y; Fang, WC; Huang, XX; Tan, JH; Wang, C; Wang, CP; Zhao, ZT
An S-band high-gradient accelerating structure is designed for a proton therapy linear accelerator (linac) to accommodate the new development of compact, single-room facilities and ultra-high dose rate (FLASH) radiotherapy. To optimize the design, an efficient optimization scheme is applied to improve the simulation efficiency. An S-band accelerating structure with 2856 MHz is designed with a low beta of 0.38, which is a difficult structure to achieve for a linac accelerating proton particles from 70 to 250 MeV, as a high gradient up to 50 MV/m is required. A special design involving a dual-feed coupler eliminates the dipole field effect. This paper presents all the details pertaining to the design, fabrication, and cold test results of the S-band high-gradient accelerating structure.