Bunch-by-bunch three-dimensional position and charge measurement in a storage ring
AUTHORS: Xu, XY; Leng, YB; Zhou, YM; Gao, B; Chen, J; Cao, SN
Bunch-by-bunch beam parameters monitor is a very useful tool for accelerator operation and optimization. An in situ bunch-by-bunch three-dimensional position and charge measurement system has been developed at the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility. Signals from beam position monitors carry almost full beam information, a broadband digital receiver can retain most information. Therefore, a four-channel wideband oscilloscope is employed to capture the signals from all electrodes of the beam position monitor. Correlation coefficient-based methods are used to extract these bunch-bybunch parameters synchronously. We evaluated the performance of this bunch-by-bunch information extraction method, the measurement uncertainty of longitudinal phase is less than 0.2 ps, the uncertainty of transverse position is less than 10 ?m and the charge uncertainty is 0.3% under the condition that the bunch charge is 600 pC. Thanks to the great performance of the new system, it is accurate enough to study the transient state during injection. In addition, an in situ wakefield measurement system is planned to be established based on this system.