Adsorption behavior of iodide ion by silver-doped zeolite 4A in LiCl-KCl molten salt
AUTHORS: Cheng, M; Luo, Y; Geng, JX; Cui, RR; Qu, YX; Sun, LX; Dou, Q; Fu, HY
In this study, the porous material zeolite with cage-like structure was modified to prepare silver-doped zeolite 4A (abbreviated as Ag@4A) using ion exchange method, with a silver loading of 34.2 wt% and a specific surface area of 23.62 m2/g. The adsorption performance of Ag@4A for anionic iodine in LiCl-KCl molten salt system was investigated through static adsorption experiments. The modified adsorbents and experimental samples were analyzed by XRD, SEM, ICP-OES and other methods. At 550 degrees C, compared with the unmodified zeolite 4A, adsorption capacity of 34 mg/g of iodine, the maximum adsorption capacity of Ag@4A for iodine ions was up to 160 mg/g. When Cs+ existed in the system, the maximum adsorption capacity of Ag@4A for iodide ions was about 64 mg/g; when Cs+ and Sr2+ coexisted, the max-imum adsorption capacity of Ag@4A for iodide ions decreased to 103 mg/g. Ag@4A also showed a certain adsorption capacity for Cs+ and Sr2+. These results indicated that the Ag@4A has potential application for the removal of iodide ions and other cations in chloride molten salt. (C) 2022 The Society of Powder Technology Japan. Published by Elsevier B.V. and The Society of Powder Technology Japan. All rights reserved.