The corrosion behavior of 304 stainless steel in NaNO3-NaCl-NaF molten salt and vapor
Evaporation behavior of Pa-233 in FLiBeZr molten salt
Depth profile analysis of oxidized nuclear graphite microstructures using micro-focused synchrotron X-ray diffraction
Megapixel X-ray ghost imaging with a binned detector in the object arm
Free radical decay and micro-structure evolution of PVDF membranes in situ irradiated by synchrotron radiation X-ray
Thermal decomposition mechanism and pyrolysis products of waste bischofite calcined at high temperature
Irradiation induced interface modification of carbon fiber/carbon composite revealed by in-situ transmission electron microscopy
Study on the ductility-dip cracking and its formation mechanism of additive manufactured NiCrFe-7A alloy: Effect of the carbon content
Welding solidification cracking susceptibility and behavior of nickel based ERNiMo-2 wire
Thermodynamic and kinetic corrosion behavior of alloys in molten MgCl2-NaCl eutectic: FPMD simulations and electrochemical technologies
Revealing the role of W in the microstructure, hardness and weldabilites of new developed Ni-xW-6Cr alloys
Corrosion behavior and mechanism of 316 stainless steel in NaCl-KCl-ZnCl2 molten salts at high temperature
Improvement of the performance of a cryo-cooled monochromator at SSRF. Part I: Double-crystal parallelism
Metallic impurities induced corrosion of a Ni-26W-6Cr alloy in molten fluoride salts at 850 degrees C
Stable water droplets on composite structures formed by embedded water into fully hydroxylated beta-cristobalite silica*
Parametric study on minor actinides transmutation in a graphite-moderated thorium-based molten salt reactors
Representative sampling analysis of radioactive airborne effluent for the stack system in a molten salt reactor
Isospin Effect on Baryon and Charge Fluctuations from the pNJL Model
High thermal insulation and compressive strength polypropylene microcellular foams with honeycomb structure
Adsorption of uranyl ion with polymer spheres modified by diamide