Japan MEXT delegation visits SSRF
(April 29, Shanghai) The Japanese delegation headed by Mr. HIRANO Hirofumi, Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) paid a visit to SSRF (Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility), an affiliate to Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics (SINAP), CAS on Sunday afternoon. Mr. QIU Huasheng, vice director of Bureau of International Cooperation of CAS, accompanied the Minister.
Dr. ZHAO Zhentang, Director of SINAP, briefed the delegation on the history, research, and postgraduate training of the institute. In particular, he talked about the construction of SSRF, its features and achievements in facilitating scientific research since it went into operation. In addition, Dr. Zhao reviewed the past and ongoing scientific exchanges between SSRF and its counterpart in Japan, and expressed his confidence and good wishes for closer cooperative ties. Mr. HIRANO was pleased that this visit had deepened his understanding of the respective advantages of China and Japan in the field of light source technology and research, and hoped that the two sides would further strengthen cooperation, and contribute to the academic exchange and cooperation in Asia.
The delegation had a tour of the storage ring, beamlines and experimental stations of SSRF, and met and discussed with some of the scientists who answered the visitors’ questions.