National Synchrotron School with Focus on X-ray Diffraction
National synchrotron school with focus on X-ray diffraction, supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China, is successfully held at Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF) on Oct 15-18, 2012. A hundred graduate students and young research investigators from more than 50 universities and institutes attended this school.
The grand opening was declared by Prof. T. Q. Xiao, assistant director of the Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics. The significance of the synchrotron facility, SSRF, is presented clearly. Then the group leader of current diffraction beamline, Prof. X. Y. Gao, gave a comprehensive introduction of SSRF, the biggest scientific platform for science research and technology development in China. A detailed introduction on diffraction beamline 14B1 is also presented afterwards. An inspiring lecture on X-ray diffraction history was introduced by Prof. Z. H. Mai, who is a highly-respected x-ray diffraction professor from Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. This year is a very worthy celebrating year, the 100th year of “Discover of X-ray Diffraction by Crystals”. 100 years, ten Nobel Prizes were awarded in X-ray fields and related. What an exciting field it is!
Twelve famous lecturers come from home and abroad gave intriguing talks on a variety of x-ray diffraction/scattering techniques. The courses cover the following four topics:
1. The principles of X-ray diffraction and rietveld data analysis
2. The methods of surface and interface diffraction、scattering and data analysis
3. Reciprocal space mapping method and hand-on beamline experience
4. The x-ray diffraction applications under high pressure condition and in the fields of engineering materials, organic photoelectric materials and thin films
The synchrotron school is highly appreciated by the attendees. “This diffraction synchrotron is very helpful for my research and study, and I do learn a lot from the school.” This is what most state.
The synchrotron school also attracts graduates from HongKong and Singapore. An international synchrotron community is gradually building up.