Editorial board meeting of "Nuclear Techniques" and "Nuclear Science and Techniques"journals
The second editorial board meeting of the journals (http://www.j.sinap.ac.cn) of "Nuclear Techniques (in Chinese)" and "Nuclear Science and Techniques" (referred to as "NST") was held at Zhangjiang campus of Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) on Dec 17th, 2015. A total of 36 board members, including a few leaders from the sponsor and co-sponsor, some members of the editorial boards and editorial office, participated in the meeting. Three foreign editorial board members, Prof. J. B.Natowitz who is a distinguished professor of Texas A&M University of USA, an APS fellow and an ACS fellow, Professor Martin Veselsky from Slovak Academy of Sciences, and Professor Bao-An Li who is a Regent Professor in Texas A & M University- Commerce, were invited to participate in the meeting.
Professor Yu-Gang Ma, the deputy director of the Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, and the editor-in-chief of both the "Nuclear Techniques" and "NST" journals, chaired the meeting. In his opening speech, Professor Ma gave full affirmation to the work and achievements made on "Nuclear Techniques" and "NST" in the past two years, and raised his earnest hope for participants to improve the quality of publications and international influence for these two journals.
In this meeting, the first report was given by Mrs. Hong Huo, the managing editor of "Nuclear Techniques". She bulletined the editing and publishing situation of "Nuclear Techniques" in 2014 and 2015, focusing on the revision and innovation made in the past two years and achievements, expressed gratitude for great supports given by the new editorial board of the "Nuclear Techniques", and expected greater contributions to be made by every member of editorial board to improve the quality and influence of journal. Subsequently, Professor Yong-Ping Li, the joint editorial office head and the associate editor-in-chief of "Nuclear Techniques" and "NST", reported the project progress of "Nuclear Techniques" which was successfully selected into the Chinese Association of Science and Technology Promotion Project for Elite Journals (CAST-PPEJ) in 2015 as well as excellent paper selection from "Nuclear Techniques". He proposed a plan for next year’s work and other aspects of this CAST-PPEJ project, and made suggestion for amendments of the editorial board members’ duties according to the spirit of recent workshop on scientific journals andmain points of the periodical assessment for all journals charged by ChineseAcademy of Sciences.
Professor Li briefly introduced the development of "NST" journal in 2014 and 2015 and analyzed the distribution of overseas’ manuscript submissions, overseas’ peer review of manuscript, as well as the running database of “NST” website. He introduced that a cooperation agreement with Springer publishing house for "NST" has been reached in 2015 and NST will be co-published by Springer, commencing with Volumne 27 Issue 1, 2016.
In this meeting, Professor Xiaoping Ouyang, an academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, from Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology was added as a new advisory member of "NST”, professor Han-Gang Liu from Chinese Academy of Engineering Physics was added as a new editorial board member of "Nuclear Techniques", and Professor Jian Gong from Chinese Academy of Engineering Physics was added as new editorial board member of "NST".
Board members and editors had lively discussion on how to improve the journal's international impact, how to increase the journal's high quality manuscript source, and how to shorten the publication cycle, etc. Finally, Professor Yu-Gang Ma, editor-in-chief, made a brief conclusion summary of the meeting, and emphasized that the editorial board and the editorial office will take full account of the viewpoints of all participants and strive to achieve better journal publication.