(September 24, Shanghai) The UK delegation headed by Mr. Joseph Edmund Johnson, Minister for Universities, Science, Research and Innovation paid a visit to Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF), operated and managed by the Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics (SINAP), CAS on Saturday afternoon. Mr. CAO Dianwen, vice director of Bureau of International Cooperation of CAS, accompanied the Minister.
Dr. ZHAO Zhentang, Director of SINAP, briefed the delegation on the construction of SSRF, its features and achievements in facilitating scientific research since it went into operation. In particular, Dr. Zhao talked about the cooperation between SSRF and Diamond (Light Source in the UK). Mr. Johnson had been looking forward to this visit since he received Chinese vice Premier Madam LIU Yandong at Diamond. He was glad that the collaboration between SSRF and Diamond was productive and hoped that two institutions can continue to work together successfully.
The delegation had a tour of the beamlines and experimental stations of SSRF, and discussed with some of the scientists who answered the visitors’ questions.